From left to right - Hannah, Brad, Ash, Adam, Lisa
INDIGO MOON are a Liverpudlian based quintet.
Compromised of Ash Colley (vocalist), Adam Dixon (guitarist, synth & backing vocalist), Brad Malbon (guitarist & backing vocalist), Hannah Lodge (bassist) and Lisa Fawcett (drummer) this five piece recently hit hard with their second EP 'Anatomy' which follows the bands debut self-titled EP.
'Anatomy' EP was followed by the first ever Indigo Moon music video for track 'XIN' and tonight they take to the stage of Hus (Liverpool) for their EP release show where support will come from SPQR and Patchwork Guilt and tickets shall be available on the door for the tiny sum of just £3.
I had a quick interview with Ash Colley following these releases and ahead of the show tonight!

1. How was it that you all first met?
University of Liverpool Popular Music course.
2. How did Indigo Moon come about?
A requirement for our Performance module was that the class has to form into groups. I (Ash) saw a couple of interesting looking humans gathering in the corner talking about needing a vocalist for their psych rock music idea. I went over an introduced myself to them as their new singer. 
3. When was it that you all realised music was something you wished to pursue? Was there something specific that triggered it?
I think we were all on the course for the same reason, when you go to uni the subject you're studying is usually the career choice. For us, at first we enjoyed playing the odd band night, but then we started grabbing the attention of the local music scene here in Liverpool. Then, things started to progress further and we began bagging support slots for Blues Pills, Deap Vally for example. We quickly realised the more hard work you put in, the more you get out of it. 
4. So your second EP 'Anatomy' just came out on the 23rd, where did you draw inspiration (both musically and none) for this EP from?
We draw influence from a lot of different genres, this time round I think we have gone for the heavier approach. This is our first EP with our drummer Lisa who has definitely attacked our sound and given our songs a more straightforward direction. We like to appeal to a variation of listener but when writing new material we bear in mind our live performance more than anything. 
5. How has the EP been received so far?
We have received an enormous amount of support since the release, the video release follow up worked really well also. We're just throwing it at people and hoping for the best. I've had many compliments so far - it seems the favourite track is 'Circulation'.
6. If you guys could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?
Hannah's dream collab would be with The Cure. I think Adam's probably Kevin Parker, and we would all have to wear flip flops on stage. Mine would be with Wayne & Garth. If we were to pick a band nearby it would be Queen Zee & The Sasstones for sure. 
7. A video for 'XIV' as also been released now as well, what made you guys choose that out of the three on the EP to make a music video for?
'XIN' is the last track on the EP because it's the most epic. I think from the early days of writing it we figured it would be the first video. It just felt right - we didn't want our first video to have a narrative or to be thought into. We just wanted to set it up and play as we would for a gig to give everyone a taste of what they can expect from us live. 
Live at Festevol 2016.
 8. As you have females in your band, more females than males in fact, what would you say the biggest challenges up and coming bands like you or all female bands face in this day and age?
Sometimes I (Ash) don't get taken seriously when contacting promoters etc for gigs but that could be down to the fact that I'm the lead singer and not actually a manager. I think that because we don't go on about the band being mostly female, there's an element of surprise when people get to know us for the first time. It's an interesting topic, feminism exists in our band and we're a powerful band. We're all about the music we make and the performance, feminism is just a given really - just expect it. 
9. How have you or how do you plan to, up being faced with said challenges, plan to overcome them?
I think that to overcome inequality in music is to demand that a vagina doesn't to come into topic when playing an instrument in the same way that a penis wouldn't come into topic. There's a huge history of problems for women in music but I guess our approach for the future is with the confidence that we're good musicians and demanding respect solely from that. 
10. If you could buy an instrument from any musician (dead or alive) what would it be and why?
Brad - Either Kevin Shields' entire pedalboard or Giorgio Moroder's Moog Modular.
Lisa - St Vincents' fingers.
Ash - Grace Slick's 60's vocal chord.
11. So on the 30th you will be taking to HUS of Liverpool for your EP launch show. What are you most looking forward to about the show?
 Mostly looking forward to SPQR and Patchwork Guilt
12. Out of all the venues in Liverpool, why HUS?
Lisa works there and recommended it after seeing a few gigs in their basement. We love the more intimate sweat box kind of gigs, so hopefully it'll be a great party!
13. How would you describe the Liverpool music scene?
Absolutely buzzing. Liverpool is home to some of the best bands and promoters we know as well as venues. There's honestly never a dull moment!
14. Out of all the up and coming bands and artists out there, who are Indigo Moon listening to?
Xamvolo, The Lemon Twigs, Psyence, Dream Wife, The Hyena Kill, Crosa Rosa, Honey Lung, Lilium, The Floormen
15. Throughout the rest of 2017, is there anything notable that can be spoken about which can be expected from Indigo Moon?

Wrong Festival is the big one, we're really looking forward to that. 
You can listen to the 'Anatomy' EP here:

 Written by Sophie.


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