PAVES - photo credit to Ruby Flashman
From left to right - Perry, Luke, Tom and Mike

PAVES are a Rock 'n' Roll quartet from London.

Consisting of Luke Shield (lead vocals and guitar), Mike Whitaker (lead guitar), Perry Read (bass and backing vocals) and Tom Triggs (drums) they were called 'one of the most exciting bands for 2016' by Fred Perry Subculture.
I managed to catch the band live for the first time at AMP Live Fest at which I finally understood the hype behind this band. I was due to interview the boys during the Friday night of the festival but sadly time was not found to do so, however I managed to get an over email interview with the band's frontman, Luke Shield following the festival and here it is!

1. Firstly how did you all meet?
I met Michael at university through friends, and at first we had completely different background and approach to music. It took a moment of inertia before we actually got bored over summer and started a long process by which we both explored and welcomed the middle ground between us. I then met Tom at the Camden Head just chatting and managed to twist his wrist into coming and having a jam with us, and Perry through friends of Mike's old guitar teacher. We all came together in a massive ball of fate really!

2. At present, what would you describe your genre as?
Genres are something to be weary of, as much as they can give information, they can also divide. I would hope that our music is as diverse as its players. Having said that, as a description, one would attach our sound to British Rock, Indie, Blues, a bit of Psych... Personally, I would never say no to a bit of ska! Maybe then we'd become truly genreless.

3. Who would you say the biggest influences for your band are? Are these influences people in which you grew up listening to or did you find them later in life?
We all have very different influences, however we do revolve around a similar central pivot that probably gravitates, or has gravitated around blues music. Music isn't something that you don't explore, so it would be dissatisfying to be listening to all the same music 10 years on, we all share thing we've found and enjoy that with each other, it's another aspect of the band. Perry and I are keen on the KEXP sharing experience... Check out Tinariwen!

4. Do you prefer your own shows or festival sets? Why?

We enjoy both, the festival season really only comes round for a few months each year so it's always exiting to play to a crowd of people who potentially may never have listened to our music before, but there's nothing like playing to a home crowd and everyone knowing the songs... Swings and roundabouts in the best possible way!

Live at AMP Live Fest - photo credit to Faith Gledhill

5. What do you think makes a good gig?
Energy, excitement, practice and a sense of accomplishment.

6. You played Y Not this year for This Feeling / Jack Rocks. How did you find that?
It was fantastic, big shout out to This Feeling but in particular to Mikey Jonns who does everything he can for the music! These stages are so important because they are a stepping stone for bands to get onto bigger stages like Bang Bang Romeo did at the Isle of Wight. They give an unprecedented platform to upcoming acts to show themselves off. 

7. For those who haven't heard of many of the bands from the AMP Live Fest who would you recommend they listen to?
All the bands are wicked, fantastic work by Aaron, he really cares and does a great job, even found my coat, big up! We managed to catch a bit of Cupids before we went on, who are great, Broken Witt Rebels, The Strawberries, Sisteray... To name but a few. Sadly we were in Bristol the Saturday so missed a load of good stuff.
8. Last March you released your single 'Take Me While I'm Here', where did the inspiration from that song come from?
The feeling behind it is of running out of time but living every last second to the most even though the future is uncertain. This year has been a year of loss for the music industry, but because the people we remember so fondly took every second they had to work on their art, we are left with eternal legacies! I thought it would be nicer to talk of that metaphorically, as an ambling country jive rather then as a dirge!
9. In terms of this band what is something which you want to fulfil?
We'd love to just carry on playing until we drop dead, to bigger and bigger audiences. Music for us isn't solitary, it's to be shared and used

10. Throughout the rest of 2016 and the beginning of 2017, what can we expect from Paves?
We have more shows to finish this year and then an EP that we're really proud of coming out in the New Year followed by extensive touring.

 Written by Sophie.


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