FALSE HEADS at Cafe Totem.
FALSE HEADS aka Luke Griffiths (lead vocalist & guitarist), Jake Elliott (bassist) and Barney Nash (drummer & backing vocalist), the East London based trio who on Saturday took to the stage of Cafe Totem (previously known as The Rocking Chair for the fifth date of their This Feeling tour.

It was only the second time I have seen this band but they do seem to get better each time I see them live, whether it be through videos, live streams or in person and that was definitely the case on that night.

Jake at Cafe Totem.
From start to finish, the set was intense. 

With Luke's screaming down the mic, Jake's harrowing basslines and Barney's haunting backing vocals alongside his smashing around on the kit. As those first few notes exited the speakers, people began flooding down the stairs and Barney instantly requested everyone head further forward. 

They are truly exhilarating despite only having known about them for a few months, they are already a band I feel that I shall never bore of seeing live.

Barney at Cafe Totem.
For myself, apart from the music, the stage present of a band is one of the most important aspect of a band's set and False Heads have one hell of a stage presence.

Throughout their set, each member incorporated this is their own way. Frontman, Luke, by way of him spending a vast amount of time on the ground, weaving through the audience and climbing upon speakers. Bassist, Jake, by interacting with the other members of the band and then Barney who can't obviously due to being stuck behind a kit, struggles to upkeep this but he manages to make his presence known by way of his audience interaction as he continually finds himself speaking to those in the crowd.

Luke and Jake at Cafe Totem.
As well as reviewing this set, I was also photographing, now I wasn't planning on snapping their entire set but when watching this trio, it was found that there is always something going on that near enough every two minutes I found it difficult not to try photograph what was occurring.

They are truly electric throughout and they are definitely one of the most exciting bands out on the circuit at present and they have left me instantly wanting to see them again, luckily for me - I shan't be waiting for too long as soon enough they shall be taking to Leicester's The Cookie on 17th November for the final date of their tour.

Luke at Cafe Totem.
My personal favourite part of the set was definitely 'Retina' due to the fact that aside from 'Comfort Consumption' it is my favourite song from False Heads. It showcases everything that I love most about this band due to its heaviness and the raucousness it allows the boys to present on stage.

You can catch the boys of False Heads in the near future at the following:

The Cookie, Leicester - 17th October.
The Sitwell Tavern, Derby - 7th December.


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